Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q. I don't like some of the rules, do we have any say in how this tournament is run?

A. Absolutely. Once the tournament is up and running and stabilized, we will survey the members. Rules may be modified and adjusted to their wishes. This will be the ratification of the initial rules. We will do this for the first three years on an annual basis. After that, every other year we will examine the wishes of the members and adjust accordingly. As it is now, and depending on the desires of enough golfers, we can add Divisions, Sub-divisions, Categories, and entry fees very quickly.

Q. Isn't this gambling?

A. No, this is a tournament. A very LARGE tournament. However for those of you who are telling your friends that it is illegal, I refer you to the Legal opinion we obtained when I first conceived the tournament concept. State Attorney General's office of South Carolina

Q. How long do I have to wait to receive an award for my winnings?

A. Those golfers in the money will be able to see their status after 11:30 EST. PayPal is notified as soon as the winners are known, and prize amounts distributed according to PayPals processes.

Q. I'm a beginning golfer, what chance do I have to win?

A. Well, first you have the same chance as anyone else. In fact, the golfers that are just starting out have the greatest chance to impact the team because the more you practice, the better you will score. You have a greater chance of scoring more points than the low handicap Golfer. So what's the secret? Practice, practice, practice!

Q. I'm a professional golfer, how do I participate?

A. Register just like any other golfer. signup for events every day you wish to compete,. Every team has an A player and generally your D player will rank towards the end of the roster. BUT, they are generally the ones who post the best NET scores, so you are welcome to play. Every Pro can participate and every Pro is welcome.

Q. Am I placed on the same team every time I participate?

A. No. In fact, if you sign up in three events, you will be placed on three different teams. This means you have three separate chances of winning.

Q. How many events can I participate in?

A. As we make available all the components of the events, the number of categories will increase. Assuming we have both the US and States/Countries Sub-divisions of the Team Division available there would be 6 Categories you could choose. It is possible that if you were a Scratch Golfer and elected to participate in every category of every Sub-division of both Divisions, you could sign up for 24 of them. Later, as the tournament grows we can add more categories, say a 'one winner in 250' category or a 'one winner in 500' category and so on. We will always have a 'one winner in ten' category and a 'winner take all' category in each Sub-division. You will have a say in how many events we offer.

Q. Do I get to golf with my friends?

A. Sure, if that is the way your organized golf event is set up, but it would be rare if they show up with you on the same Big Blitz team. This adds some additional friendly competition to your golfing experience.

Q. When are the teams made up?

A. This is an important question and you need to understand the reasoning behind the answer because it goes to the heart of the tournament. The teams are made up after the scores are posted. So why do we do that? If we make up the teams and a golfer does not post their score on time, the team would get a high net score and the team would have no chance. We anticipate that some Golfers will not post scores. They will forfeit their entry fee. There are legitimate reasons for not posting a score so there are not harsh penalties, however to prevent abuse they may only do this three times in a year. After that they will be suspended from play for 6 months. (This is one of those rules that the members will want to examine and possibly modify). A Golfers scores are not used to determine the team they are placed with. Their handicaps are. We will save the roster in our files so that we can prove to any interested party the teams that are made up would be the same every time the program creating the teams is run.

Q. What is meant by Rank?

A. Rank is the position you wind up at when you are sorted in the roster. If there are 500 golfers, and after the sort you are number 100 from the top sorting by average of handicaps, your rank is 100. We make the teams based on the rank your receive. Rank number 1 would have the lowest average of handicaps and would be the captain of team number 1.

Q. Are the teams exactly equal when their team handicap is computed?

A. Yes if we use the sum of the teams individual ranks. However, the total team handicaps could vary a couple of strokes, especially as we build the rosters. To prove that point, sign up and participate in in the Big Blitz during our test phase and see how it is done. There is nothing to lose and it is free.

Q. If a Golfer is found to have posted an incorrect score and their team is in the money, what happens?

A. Until the rules are ratified , we have decided to adopt this rule: The person who scored incorrectly will forfeit their winnings into the Super Pot, and be suspended for 6 months. That Golfers teammates, who had nothing to do with the incorrect score, will not be penalized and will receive the normal share as if the score were correct. This rule will most likely be one of the most discussed. We had a choice, neither is perfect, but the alternative was to have all the team forfeit their winnings. Which way is fairer? You will decide when the rules are ratified and everyone has a chance to have their say.

Q. What is the Super Pot?

A. It is a fund for future special events.

Q. When will you turn on the other Sub-Divisions?

A. As we build our database of Golf Courses and the corresponding Course ratings for their tee boxes, we will begin offering play in the Big Blitz outside of the US. For the time zone Sub-division, the same issues come into play. For the State/Province Sub-division we can do that as soon as we have enough Golfers in each State to run it, roughly 400 on a roster.

Q. Aren't you going to ruin it for other tournaments?

A. NO, we depend on scores from organized medal play golf events. We hope to provide sponsorship to tournaments promoting the BIG BLITZ as an added component of their tournament. We will link to any tournament conducted on any Golf course, for free. Just give us a chance to get it up and running and we will add that feature

Q. Is your tournament Sanctioned?

A. This tournament is not sanctioned by the USGA nor have I asked them to sanction it. This tournament must earn it's own way and I hope that will come about. The scores you post in organized golf events are yours to do with as you please, however.

Q. What are your long-range plans?

A. A Super Blitz is a feature we'll add as soon as we are up and running. We plan on conducting tournaments to be held at Golf Courses near resort locations. Qualification will be based on winners from the Golf tournaments. Look for details as we grow. We look to you, the members, to tell us what you would like to see and will consider every format or variation that will have a popular appeal.

Q. I'm a little confused on how the prizes are distributed, can you explain in more detail?

A. Winner take all

  • If you elect to golf in this event, there will be few winners, but huge winnings. An this event there is only one winning score!
  • 1 winner in 10 or 1 winner 40.
    • These ratios are set to give you a choice about your chance to win. The higher the odds, the greater the prize but the less chance of winning. As the tournament grows we can change these ratios to meet the desires of the membership, but for now we will only have three.
    • Ratios work this way. Using the ratio, we determine the number of possible winners there will be. If the ratio is 1 in 10, then for an event of 400 players, there will be 400 divided by 10 which is forty. There are 4 players on a team so we divide 40 by 4, and that gives us 10 teams. We us a formula to determine the smallest amount to award, ((n * n+1) / 2 ) In this case if the fee was $10, we would have $4000 to pay out. so 10 * 11 is 110 divided by 2 is 55. We call resulting number Basic Prize Amount (BPA). We divide 4000 by 55 is $72.72. The tenth place team each would receive $72.72, the 9th plase team each would receive 2 * 72.72 or 145.44, the 8th place team would receive 3 * 72.72 or 218.16 on up to 1st place team awarded 10*72.72 $727.27 for each player on the team.
  • What about ties? - We simply add the BPA's to the number of teams that score the same and divide the total by the number of teams. Let's say there were 2 teams that scored highest in the previous example. We add the prize BPA's 10 plus 9. 19 divided by 2 is 9.5. Each team would get 9.5 times the BPA - $1727.29. Say the 2nd highest score is shared by three teams so they get 8 plus 7 plus 6 equals 21. 21 times BPA -$3818.22 divided by 3 equals $1272.74. Lets say third highest score is posted by only one team so they get 5 times BPU $909.10. Lets say the last 4 teams had the same score so they share the remaining pot divided by 4 equals $454.55.
  • All teams share their winnings equally among the team members. In the first example $1818.20 would be divided by 4 so that each team member received $454.55.

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